About the "Motif" presentation of X Windows, especially with OSF =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Newsgroups: comp.terminals Path: cs.utk.edu!gatech!howland.reston.ans.net!noc.near.net!uunet!mcsun!hp4at !sun!andi Sender: andi@sun (Andreas Rektenwald) Message-ID: <22ooib$mve@hp4at.eunet.co.at> Organization: EUnet EDV-Dienstleistungsgesellschaft m.b.H NNTP-Posting-Host: xsoft.co.at Date: 23 Jul 1993 13:20:11 GMT From: andi@sun.xsoft.co.at (Andreas Rektenwald) Subject: Xtty - MOTIF for ASCII terminals Xtty Brief overview: -------------------- - Real X-Server for ASCII terminals - Window Manager - Multiple Sessions with Resize, Move, Iconize - same as on X - Motif programs run on ASCII terminals without change - No recompilation or relink necessary - Supports all Motif widgets (beside DrawingArea) - One application for two different kind of terminals - can still run ASCII applications in xterms More information: ----------------- On the node eunet.co.at you can obtain the following files via anonymous ftp: /pub/vendor/xsoft/Xtty.ps.Z short information with graphics, about 7 pages /pub/vendor/xsoft/sun/guide.ps.Z complete manual In these directories also reside the binaries for Xtty, but unless you havn't got a license key it makes no sense to obtain them. All these files are compressed postscript files. If you have no ftp access, please tell me to send it as a mail or letter. Pricing: -------- Base license 1 user $ 350 US Base license 4 user $ 980 US 8 user $ 1350 US 16 user $ 1950 US 32 user $ 3000 US Product includes: ----------------- - X11R5 (libraries, Xserver, man) - Motif 1.2.2 (full development with mwm, uil, ...) - Xtty (X server for ASCII terminals) - Clients for Xtty: ttyinit, ttyterm, tmwm Available for following platforms: ---------------------------------- - Sun (OS 4.1.x and Solaris) - HP (Motorola and Risc) - IBM (AIX) We also have an US distributor which resells for the states. Thanks, Andreas Rektenwald Xsoft Austria Radetzkystrasse 26/6 A-1030 Vienna, Austria Phone: +43 1-7129317 ftp://ftp.eunet.co.at/pub/vendor/xsoft/README =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Newsgroups: comp.terminals Path: cs.utk.edu!emory!gatech!prism!gt0676a From: gt0676a@prism.gatech.EDU (Garner Halloran) Subject: Summary of X Terminal Request Message-ID: <146196@hydra.gatech.EDU> Date: 18 Mar 94 02:10:07 GMT Sender: news@prism.gatech.EDU Distribution: usa Organization: Georgia Tech Lines: 61 Below is a summary of the information I received on X terminals. Thanks to all who replied. From: kem@kato.prl.ufl.edu (Kelly Murray) Info on the NCX line of X terminals: It's URL: "file://ftp.netcom.com/pub/ncx/home.html". Sometimes the netcom ftp server gets swamped, so keep trying. If you don't have a WWW browser, you can simply anonymous ftp the files in ftp.netcom.com:~ftp/pub/ncx/*.html. ----- From: John Dorn John recommended HP, TEK, and NCD as the ones to look for. He mentioned HDS as a low-end monochrome option, but wasn't sure of their quality. The onces to avoid are Visual, DEC, and IBM. He also has a friend who is selling some TEK 19" colour 1280*1024 with 4 mb memory used 12-18 months under light usage. You can probably pick them up for under $2000 with a TEK warranty. Contact John if you are interested. His friend has 200 available. ----- The rest of the information I received was from friends as Georgia Tech. The College of Computing recently purchased X terminals for their grad students so I received some good pointers. NCD, HP, and Tektronix were again recommended. Also recommended was checking out a magazine called OpenSystemsToday which apparently advertizes alot of X terminals. Contact info: NCD -- (404)424-0905 The person to talk to is Ken Pischke. Tektronix -- (407)660-2727 The person to talk to is Jim Miller. SUN -- (404)901-6910 Talk to Dan Streuber...he may not be exactly who you need to talk to but can point you in the right direction. HP -- (404)246-5216 Talk to Olen Leonard...again may not be the right person. HDS -- (800)HDS-1551 The 404 number are our local contacts...you might be able to get other numbers through those. ----- From the data I have gotten, NCD is the best company to go for. They apparently have the widest range of products and good prices. I just compiled all of this info and have yet to call these companies. I will do so tomorrow (Friday) or next week. Hopefully this has been useful to you. -- _______________ _______________________ Garner Halloran gt0676a@acme.gatech.edu "We demand guaranteed rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty." - Vroomfondel, from _The Original Hitchhiker Radio Scripts_ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Excerpts from the OpenVMS FAQ: see http://eisner.decus.org/vms/faq.htm ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECW5. Problem - the DELETE key deletes forward instead of backward! This has to do with Motif's virtual bindings. When a Motif application starts up, it looks at the vendor string returned in the display connection information and attempts to match the string to a table of virtual bindings. You can override the default bindings in your decw$xdefaults.dat file. Here is the entry you would make to get the default VMS bindings. *defaultVirtualBindings:\ osfCancel : F11 \n\ osfLeft : Left \n\ osfUp : Up \n\ osfRight : Right \n\ osfDown : Down \n\ osfEndLine :Alt Right \n\ osfBeginLine :Alt Left \n\ osfPageUp : Prior \n\ osfPageDown : Next \n\ osfDelete :Shift Delete \n\ osfUndo :Alt Delete \n\ osfBackSpace : Delete \n\ osfAddMode :Shift F8 \n\ osfHelp : Help \n\ osfMenu : F4 \n\ osfMenuBar : F10 \n\ osfSelect : Select \n\ osfActivate : KP_Enter \n\ osfCopy :Shift DRemove \n\ osfCut : DRemove \n\ osfPaste : Insert To merge: $ xrdb :== $decw$utils:xrdb.exe $ xrdb -nocpp -merge decw$xdefaults.dat [kleinsorge@star.enet.dec.com] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Newsgroups: comp.unix.questions Path: news.bbnplanet.com!nntprelay.mathworks.com!news.kjsl.com !bug.rahul.net!rahul.net!a2i!samba.rahul.net!rahul.net!a2i!jadestar Organization: a2i network Message-ID: <6n7g40$75m$1@samba.rahul.net> References: <35973395.4CDC@electrografix.com> NNTP-Posting-Host: waltz.rahul.net Date: 29 Jun 1998 07:35:28 GMT From: Jim Dennis Subject: Re: X Window with two monitors... Mark Thomas Mercado (mark@electrografix.com) wrote: : I've looked around on the web, and couldn't find any documentation : on setting up X with two monitors (myhost:0 and myhost:1)... I would : love to RTFM if anyone could point me in the right direction... : Thanks, : Mark. This would usually be called "multi-headed" mode and the different screens would be addressed as "myhost:0.0" and "myhost:0.1" -- "myhost:1.0" and "myhost:1.1" (etc) would refer to a different server or instance running on the same machine. I don't know what this means on other forms of Unix --- but I think you'd usually see it on a system that was hosting multiple X Terminals via XDMCP. On my Linux boxes I usually see it as an extra instance of the X server running on a different virtual console (so my wife and I can each have a running copy on any of the systems around the house without having to disturb the other's). In our case we run startx -- :1 to start the 2nd instance of our X server. We can then switch between them with the [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Fx] sequence (or the [Alt]+[Fx] sequence to get to either of them from any of our text mode virtual consoles. (If you don't use a PC Unix that supports VC's this probably won't make any sense -- don't worry about it). Getting back to multi-headed support: This depends on your X server. Last I heard XFree86 servers (the suite of X servers that's most commonly used with Linux FreeBSD, NetBSD (PC) etc) don't currently support multi-headed operation. I know that some of the commercial X servers for Linux (and presumably FreeBSD, etc) support it. Unfortunately I've never used a PC or Mac Unix that was configured this way. So, I don't know how it works. I've used an old Sun system set up this was --- but I didn't configure it or even look at it very closely --- it was just used for some compatability at a place where I was working, so I barely touched it. I've used Macs that were multi-headed. That was a piece of cake to configure. I also noticed that Win '98 has this feature available --- so it might become much more common in the next year or so. Anyway, check out the XFree86 FAQ at http://www.xfree86.org/ for more pointers. -- Jim Dennis, Starshine Technical Services http://www.starshine.org =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Newsgroups: comp.sys.hp.hpux Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 14:51:30 +0200 Organization: Acces regional Ile-de-France (Univ. Paris VI/VII) - France Message-ID: <35D82751.36D22A47@espci.fr> References: <35d824f2.0@news.psion.com> To: Clive Kilford <"Clive Kilford"@espci.fr> From: Didier CASSEREAU Subject: Re: X-Windows and 10.20/CDE Clive Kilford wrote: > > We have been using various PC-X-Windows programs (e.g. Exceed and > X-Win 32) successfully with HP-UX 9.07 and HP-VUE, but with HP-UX > 10.20 and CDE the clients log-in okay but seem to lock when it comes > to displaying the CDE tool bar. > > Has anyone got a PC X-Window to connect to HP_UX 10.20 and CDE ? Try the following : - on your HP box, start a X Font Server (in /etc/rc.config.d/xfs, set the variable RUN_X_FONT_SERVER=1) - configure the font path of your X Server to use this font server (it is possible with X-Win32 since I use this functionnality) This will probably solve your problem (I had exactly the same problem as you). This is due (I believe) to the fact that CDE uses HP specific fonts that are not available except using the X Font Server. I hope this can help you. Regards. -- ----------------------------------------------------------- Didier CASSEREAU Laboratoire Ondes et Acoustique Universite Paris VII, CNRS URA 1503 10 rue Vauquelin, 75231 PARIS Cedex 05, FRANCE Tel: +33 (0) Fax: +33 (0) E-mail: Didier.Cassereau@loa.espci.fr / cassere@ccr.jussieu.fr http://www.loa.espci.fr/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Newsgroups: comp.sys.hp.hpux Date: 17 Aug 1998 16:28:18 GMT Organization: 3M - St. Paul, MN 55144-1000 US Message-ID: <6r9ln2$9s8$2@sulu.mmm.com> References: <35D82751.36D22A47@espci.fr> From: damercer@mmm.com (Dan A. Mercer) Subject: Re: X-Windows and 10.20/CDE You might consider instead running the font server from inittab. That way when it crashes (have they stopped crashing) it's restarted right away and your terminal never knows the difference. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Newsgroups: comp.sys.hp.hpux Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 08:50:47 -0700 Organization: Cubic Defense Systems Message-ID: <35DAF457.A74BA039@cubic.com> References: <35d824f2.0@news.psion.com> <35D82751.36D22A47@espci.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: inertia.ds.cubic.COM From: Roger Atkinson Subject: Re: X-Windows and 10.20/CDE Hi All, When you install Exceed V 6.X it will prompt you for the fonts to use. You need to add the HP 75dpi and 100dpi fonts when Exceed is installed on you PC. This should get CDE to display correctly. I also use the Font Server and it must be set up on the HP first before you add it to the Exceed configuration. After your Font Server is up and running: 1) Open Xconfig 2) opens the Fonts Icon 3) Select Font Data Base 4) Select Add 5) Enter tcp/your.host.name.com:7000 - (This assumes that your font Server is using port 7000 which is the default) 6) Close out all the windows by selecting Ok or close. 7) The next time you try to Log into CDE it should get the right fonts from your X Server. Hope this helps, -- -------------------------------------------------------- Name: Roger Atkinson Sr. Operating Sys. Analyst (I make things work !) E-mail: roger.atkinson@cubic.com Don't just do it, rise above, and make it happen ! -------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Newsgroups: comp.unix.solaris References: <3E769A89.505@Pacbell.Net> Message-ID: Organization: VISI.com Date: 18 Mar 2003 18:09:32 GMT From: Scott Post Subject: Re: using exceed on Sun, copy/paste does not work Pick wrote in news:3E769A89.505@Pacbell.Net: > > This is for eXceed V7, other releases may vary slightly... > > Goto START -> PROGRAMS -> HUMMINGBIRD -> EXCEED, open "Xconfig" > In the XCONFIG dialog, open "X Selection" > In the "X Selection" dialog: > 1) Set the X selection to PRIMARY, most X applications use PRIMARY > 2) Check "Auto Copy X Selection" and "Auto Paste to X Selection" > boxes 3) Click OK > 4) Close XConfig dialog > > To use Copy & Paste: > > Select text in an X application, use CNTL-V to paste to a Windows > application or SHIFT-Insert to paste to an X application. > > Select text in Windows application, use CNTL-C to copy, use CNTL-V to > paste to a Windows application or SHIFT-Insert to paste to an X > application. > > > You can customize your keyboard layout to include all SUN keysyms... > > Pick > > Thomas Dao wrote: >> I have a sun box with Sol8 and running Exceed Hummingbird on my pc to >> get an xterm. The only thing is when I go to do a , Copy X Selection >> > Clipboard, its greyed out. So I can't just highlight and paste, it >> used to work, wondering >> if there is a selection I am missing, thanks >> >> >> >> > > I was able to get mine to work by changing X Selection Associated With Edit Operations to CLIPBOARD. While the Xsession is open, I right click on Exceen on the task bar, choose Edit -> Paste to X Selection -> From Clipboard and it works using any of the Paste option. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Newsgroups: comp.os.vms Path: cs.utk.edu!gatech!howland.reston.ans.net!spool.mu.edu!decwrl!pa.dec.com!nntpd2.cxo.dec.com!nntpd.lkg.dec.com!dbased.nuo.dec.com!quark.enet.dec.com!lionel From: lionel@quark.enet.dec.com (Steve Lionel) Subject: Re: problem with callback? (VAX/VMS+MOTIF+FORTRAN) Message-ID: <1993Mar9.180210.2267@dbased.nuo.dec.com> Lines: 196 Sender: news@dbased.nuo.dec.com (USENET News System) Reply-To: lionel@quark.enet.dec.com (Steve Lionel) Organization: Digital Equipment Corporation, Nashua NH References: Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1993 18:02:10 GMT In article , ratel@ireq.hydro.qc.ca (Gilles Ratel 8720) writes about a problem getting a DECwindows Motif program written in Fortran to work. I contacted Gilles offline and helped him out; for others' benefit, I'll detail what I found. The first problem was the result of common and understandable confusion as to how to translate C-style argument passing mechanisms to Fortran; there were levels of address indirection included which were not necessary. There is a manual in the DECwindows Motif document set which discusses "non-C bindings", but some simple rules are generally all that's needed: 1. If the C argument type isn't documented with an * next to the type or argument name, and it isn't a string or a routine, then it's probably passed by immediate value using %VAL. 2. If it's a string, it wants a null-terminated string passed by reference. For filling in "arg lists" with predeclared strings of the XmNwhatever form, use %LOC(name); the strings are already null-terminated in DECW$MOTIF.FOR. If you're passing a string as an argument to a routine, use %REF. 3. If it's a routine you're passing, just declare the routine EXTERNAL and pass it directly; no %LOC. The second problem was a generic Motif misunderstanding. Gilles was asking for the callback routine to be called when a SingleSelection occurred, but the default selection type for a list widget is not SingleSelection (I think it's ExtendedSelection, but I'm not sure). Specifying single selection as the selection policy when the widget was created fixed that problem. I disagree with Brian McMillan's remarks on how difficult it is to do Motif programming in Fortran. It may be a bit confusing because of the C bias of the Motif documentation and most of the examples, but it's fairly straightforward to figure out how to use Fortran instead. There are two Fortran Motif examples provided on the DECwindows Motif toolkit which can be very helpful. I've attached my corrected version of Gilles' program with some annotation. PROGRAM LISTTEST IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE 'SYS$LIBRARY:DECW$MOTIF.FOR' INTEGER I,J,N INTEGER*4 FETCH_FROM_ADDRESS EXTERNAL FETCH_FROM_ADDRESS EXTERNAL applicationShellWidgetClass EXTERNAL LSELECT ! routine for Callback C...Widgets INTEGER*4 APP_CONTEXT INTEGER*4 DISPLAY INTEGER*4 TOPLEVEL INTEGER*4 LIST CHARACTER*35 TXT(5) ! item list INTEGER*4 STXT(5) ! XmString for TXT INTEGER LT(5) ! lenght for TXT(*) RECORD /ARG/ AL(0:7), ARG_LIST(0:0), ARGLIST_NULL(0:0) C...X Routine Initialize, create 'application context' and 'Display' ARGLIST_NULL(0).NAME = 0 ARGLIST_NULL(0).VALUE = 0 CALL XtToolkitInitialize() APP_CONTEXT = XtCreateApplicationContext() DISPLAY = XtOpenDisplay( 1 %VAL(APP_CONTEXT), ! application context 1 %VAL(0), ! display string 1 %REF('TEST'//CHAR(0)), ! application name 1 %REF('XXXX'//CHAR(0)), ! application class 1 %VAL(0), ! options 1 %VAL(0), ! num_options 1 ARGLIST_NULL, ! argc 1 %VAL(0)) ! argv IF (DISPLAY .EQ. NULL) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Can''t open display' STOP ENDIF C...Design for manage 'Display' I = 0 ARG_LIST(I).NAME = %LOC(XmNallowShellResize) ! ARG_LIST(I).VALUE = TRUE I=I+1 ARG_LIST(I).NAME = %LOC(XmNy) ARG_LIST(I).VALUE = 200 I=I+1 ARG_LIST(I).NAME = %LOC(XmNx) ARG_LIST(I).VALUE = 100 toplevel = XtAppCreateShell( 1 %VAL(0), ! appplication name 1 %VAL(0), ! application class 1 %VAL(FETCH_FROM_ADDRESS(applicationShellWidgetClass)), 1 %VAL(DISPLAY), 1 ARG_LIST, ! Structures and arrays always passed by reference 1 %VAL(I+1) ) C...Create List Widget C note: actually, I not use XmListAddItem (i.e. I proceed step by step) C...ITEM LIST TXT(1) = 'Hello World' LT(1) = 11 TXT(2) = 'my first motif' LT(2) = 14 TXT(3) = 'program' LT(3) = 7 N = 3 DO J=1,N STXT(J) = XmStringCreateLtoR ( 1 %REF(TXT(J)(1:LT(J))//CHAR(0)), 1 %REF(XmString_Default_Charset)) ENDDO I = J al(I).name = %LOC(XmNvisibleItemCount) ! Address of string al(I).value = N I=I+1 al(I).name = %LOC(XmNitems) al(I).value = %LOC(STXT) I=I+1 al(I).name = %LOC(XmNitemCount) al(I).value = N I=I+1 al(I).name = %LOC(XmNSelectionPolicy) ! Added al(I).value = XmSingle_Select I = I + 1 list = XmCreateList( 1 %VAL(TOPLEVEL), 1 %REF('XXX'//char(0)), 1 al, 1 %VAL(I+1)) C...Associate Callback for widget List CALL XtAddCallback( %VAL(list), 1 %REF(XmNsingleSelectionCallback), ! String passed by reference 1 LSELECT, ! Routine passed by reference 1 %VAL(0) ) CALL XtManageChild(%VAL(list)) CALL XtRealizeWidget(%VAL(toplevel)) CALL XtAppMainloop(%VAL(app_context)) STOP END C============================================================================ SUBROUTINE LSELECT (list,TAG,CBS) C Callback routine called whenever any pushbutton is pressed. C IMPLICIT NONE ! INCLUDE 'SYS$LIBRARY:DECW$MOTIF/NOLIST' INTEGER*4 LIST ! Widget INTEGER*4 TAG ! Index into WIDGET_ARRAY INTEGER*4 CBS ! not used (callback structure) INTEGER*4 nselect INTEGER*4 iselect(25) WRITE(*,*)'SUCCESS' RETURN END C============================================================================ INTEGER*4 FUNCTION FETCH_FROM_ADDRESS (LOCATION) C Function used to fetch the contents of a variable at a given C address. This is used to reference external variables C IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER*4 LOCATION FETCH_FROM_ADDRESS = LOCATION RETURN END -- Steve Lionel lionel@quark.enet.dec.com SDT Languages Group Digital Equipment Corporation 110 Spit Brook Road Nashua, NH 03062 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Newsgroups: comp.os.vms Path: cs.utk.edu!gatech!howland.reston.ans.net!usc!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!usenet.ucs.indiana.edu!indyvax.iupui.edu!imhw400 Message-ID: <1993Mar11.134532.480@indyvax.iupui.edu> Date: 11 Mar 93 13:45:32 -0500 References: <11159902@MVB.SAIC.COM> From: imhw400@indyvax.iupui.edu Subject: re: problem with callback? (vax/vms+motif+fortran) In article <11159902@MVB.SAIC.COM>, "Brian A McMillan (44) 5057 5388" writes: > > Like you I started off linking I would do it all in Fortran (better still > RAMBOTRAN), but after discovering: > > 1. Almost all of the examples are in C > 2. Almost everyone else does it in C > 3. All the bindings are C oriented > 4. I could not find a Motif manual in a language other than C (there must be an > ADA version I guess) > > I bought a copy of kernihan and ritchie, swallowed my pride and did in in > lowercase. Suggest you do the same, but good luck otherwise. You don't *have* to use C to program for X if you are willing to do a little extra work. One day I received yet another book-club mailing that listed four Unix books and four X books under the heading "Unix", decided I wasn't going to take it any more, and wrote my first X app. Here it is: *+ * PROGRAM : HELLO-WORLD * * PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: * * Trivial X-window application, to show the world that X doesn't imply * C, let alone Unix! * * AUTHORS: * * Mark H. Wood * Indiana University - Purdue University at Indianapolis * Computing Services * * CREATION DATE: 13-Aug-1991 * * * DESIGN ISSUES: * * COBOL won't dereference pointers, so we have to do it the sneaky way * by passing them by value to subroutines. * * MODIFICATION HISTORY: * * [chg-date-author-desc] * *- IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. HELLO-WORLD. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 77 DISPLAY-P USAGE IS POINTER. 77 ROOT-WINDOW USAGE IS POINTER. 77 WINDOW USAGE IS POINTER. 77 GC USAGE IS POINTER. 77 SCREEN-N USAGE IS POINTER. 77 BLACK USAGE IS POINTER. 77 WHITE USAGE IS POINTER. 77 JUNK USAGE IS POINTER. 77 ROOT-CHILDREN-P USAGE IS POINTER. 77 ROOT-N-CHILDREN USAGE IS COMP PICTURE IS 9(9). 77 PSEUDO-ROOT USAGE IS POINTER. 77 DELAY-TIME USAGE IS COMP-1 VALUE IS 10.0. PROCEDURE DIVISION. MAINLINE SECTION. MAIN-LINE. CALL "XOpenDisplay" USING BY REFERENCE X"00" GIVING DISPLAY-P. IF DISPLAY-P IS ZERO THEN STOP RUN. CALL "XDefaultScreen" USING BY VALUE DISPLAY-P GIVING SCREEN-N. CALL "XDefaultGC" USING BY VALUE DISPLAY-P, BY VALUE SCREEN-N GIVING GC. CALL "XBlackPixel" USING BY VALUE DISPLAY-P, BY VALUE SCREEN-N GIVING BLACK. CALL "XWhitePixel" USING BY VALUE DISPLAY-P, BY VALUE SCREEN-N GIVING WHITE. CALL "XDefaultRootWindow" USING BY VALUE DISPLAY-P GIVING ROOT-WINDOW. CALL "XQueryTree" USING BY VALUE DISPLAY-P, BY VALUE ROOT-WINDOW, BY REFERENCE JUNK, JUNK, BY REFERENCE ROOT-CHILDREN-P, BY REFERENCE ROOT-N-CHILDREN. CALL "FIND-PSEUDO-ROOT" USING BY REFERENCE DISPLAY-P, BY VALUE ROOT-CHILDREN-P, BY REFERENCE ROOT-N-CHILDREN GIVING PSEUDO-ROOT. CALL "XCreateSimpleWindow" USING BY VALUE DISPLAY-P, BY VALUE PSEUDO-ROOT, BY VALUE 100, 100, BY VALUE 160, 100, BY VALUE 3, BY VALUE BLACK, BY VALUE WHITE GIVING WINDOW. IF WINDOW IS ZERO THEN STOP RUN. CALL "XMapRaised" USING BY VALUE DISPLAY-P, BY VALUE WINDOW. CALL "XDrawString" USING BY VALUE DISPLAY-P, BY VALUE WINDOW, BY VALUE GC, BY VALUE 40, 55, BY REFERENCE "Hello, world!", BY VALUE 13. CALL "XFlush" USING BY VALUE DISPLAY-P. CALL "LIB$WAIT" USING BY REFERENCE DELAY-TIME. CALL "XCloseDisplay" USING BY VALUE DISPLAY-P. STOP RUN. IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. FIND-PSEUDO-ROOT. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 77 PSEUDO-ROOT USAGE IS COMP PICTURE IS 9(9). 77 PARENT-WINDOW USAGE IS COMP PICTURE IS 9(9). 77 ROOT-WINDOW USAGE IS COMP PICTURE IS 9(9). 77 CHILD-INDEX USAGE IS COMP PICTURE IS 9(9). 77 JUNK USAGE IS INDEX. LINKAGE SECTION. 01 DISPLAY-P USAGE IS POINTER. 01 CHILDREN USAGE IS COMP. 02 CHILD PICTURE IS 9(9) OCCURS 1 TO 10000 TIMES DEPENDING ON N-CHILDREN. 01 N-CHILDREN USAGE IS COMP PICTURE IS 9(9). PROCEDURE DIVISION USING DISPLAY-P, CHILDREN, N-CHILDREN GIVING PSEUDO-ROOT. DOIT. PERFORM WITH TEST AFTER VARYING CHILD-INDEX FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL (CHILD-INDEX > N-CHILDREN) OR (PARENT-WINDOW = ROOT-WINDOW) CALL "XQUERYTREE" USING BY VALUE DISPLAY-P, BY VALUE CHILD(CHILD-INDEX), BY REFERENCE ROOT-WINDOW, BY REFERENCE PARENT-WINDOW, BY REFERENCE JUNK, JUNK; END-PERFORM. IF PARENT-WINDOW IS EQUAL TO ROOT-WINDOW THEN MOVE CHILD(CHILD-INDEX) TO PSEUDO-ROOT ELSE MOVE ZERO TO PSEUDO-ROOT. END PROGRAM FIND-PSEUDO-ROOT. END PROGRAM HELLO-WORLD. -- Mark H. Wood, Lead Systems Programmer +1 317 274 0749 [@disclaimer@] Internet: IMHW400@INDYVAX.IUPUI.EDU BITNET: IMHW400@INDYVAX Celebrate freedom: read a banned newsgroup. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Newsgroups: vmsnet.networks.desktop.pathworks Path: cs.utk.edu!emory!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!usc!sdd.hp.com!decwrl!pa.dec.com!nntpd2.cxo.dec.com!nntpd.lkg.dec.com!ranger.enet.dec.com!wasser From: wasser@ranger.enet.dec.com (ranger::wasser) Subject: Re: Using XGA adapter (1024x768) and PC DecWindows 4.1 Message-ID: <1993Apr24.035528.25676@nntpd.lkg.dec.com> Sender: usenet@nntpd.lkg.dec.com (USENET News System) Organization: Digital Equipment Corporation References: <1993Apr22.120652.19815@unvax.union.edu> Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1993 05:00:13 GMT X-Posted-Via: NEWS-NOTES gateway (a hack!) Lines: 16 > Has anyone been able to get an XGA adapter to work with PC DECwindows 4.1? I > have had problems in the past getting it to work with a super VGA adapter at > the same resolution. If you look at the Software Product Description (SPD) and System Support Addendum (SSA) that describes PATHWORKS for DOS V4.1 you will find that the V4.1 version of PC DECindows Motif supports neither XGA nor SuperVGA. You may be plesantly suprised by the version of PC DECwindows Motif that will be included in the next release of PATHWORKS for DOS. I am not at liberty to discuss details or schedules. -John A. Wasser Last of the PC DECwindows Motif Engineers Digital Equipment Corporation. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Article 1603 of vmsnet.sources.d: Path: cs.utk.edu!ornl!fnnews.fnal.gov!overload.lbl.gov!agate!spool.mu.edu!sdd.hp.com!hamblin.math.byu.edu!arizona.edu!zippy.Telcom.Arizona.EDU!telcom.arizona.edu!leonard Newsgroups: vmsnet.sources.d Subject: Re: WANTED: ASCII,TIFF to PS for VMS Message-ID: <28cepr$5lh@zippy.Telcom.Arizona.EDU> From: leonard@telcom.arizona.edu (Aaron Leonard) Date: 29 Sep 1993 16:57:31 GMT Reply-To: Leonard@Arizona.EDU References: <1993Sep29.092150.2907@tower> Distribution: world Organization: University of Arizona Telecommunications NNTP-Posting-Host: rena.telcom.arizona.edu Lines: 14 In article <1993Sep29.092150.2907@tower>, kfc@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu writes: | Can anyone tell me where I can find the following programs: | | 1. Converts ASCII files to PostScript format. | 2. Converts TIFF files to PostScript format. You already have the former, assuming that you've got MOTIF installed: $ CONVERT/DOC infile/FORMAT=TEXT outfile/FORMAT=PS (you can vary formating options with the /OPTIONS qualifier.) Aaron ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Article 88928 of comp.os.vms: Newsgroups: comp.os.vms Path: cs.utk.edu!gatech!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!CERN.ch!AL0W37.CERN.CH!ENGELHARDT From: engelhardt@AL0W37.CERN.CH (Allan Engelhardt, CERN, ECP division) Subject: Re: SHIFT-F11 used by MWM, why? Message-ID: Sender: news@news.cern.ch (USENET News System) Reply-To: engelhardt@AL0W37.CERN.CH Organization: CERN References: <24439947@MVB.SAIC.COM> Date: Fri, 20 May 1994 14:05:33 GMT Lines: 18 In article <24439947@MVB.SAIC.COM>, "GWDGV1::MOELLER" writes: >The Motif window manager (DECW$MWM) acts upon SHIFT-F11 by popping up >a window's control menu ("restore","move","resize",etc). > >Does anyone know why this should be so, and if the Motif window manager >can be customized to _not_ react on SHIFT-F11 (I want to use this >combination of keys for a DECterm "user defined function key"). > >I haven't found SHIFT-F11 mentioned in DECW$MWM_RC.DAT, >which seems to define all other MWM "hot keys". SHIFT-F11 == ShiftEscape. ShiftEscape window|icon f.post_wmenu Remove this line and you remove the window menu popup "feature". --- Allan. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Article 2622 of comp.terminals: Path: cs.utk.edu!gatech!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!MathWorks.Com!transfer.stratus.com!xylogics.com!Xylogics.COM!carlson From: carlson@Xylogics.COM (James Carlson) Newsgroups: comp.sys.sun.admin,comp.terminals Subject: Re: cannot lock screen in X terminal Date: 13 Jul 1994 15:07:03 GMT Organization: Xylogics Incorporated Lines: 21 Distribution: world Message-ID: <300vun$rgo@newhub.xylogics.com> References: <2vv20u$7pc@sand.cis.ufl.edu> <300o68$qtt@newhub.xylogics.com> <300tdd$3fe@mail.fwi.uva.nl> Reply-To: carlson@xylogics.com NNTP-Posting-Host: steam.xylogics.com Keywords: lock screen Xref: cs.utk.edu comp.sys.sun.admin:39060 comp.terminals:2622 In article <300tdd$3fe@mail.fwi.uva.nl>, casper@fwi.uva.nl (Casper H.S. Dik) writes: |> carlson@Xylogics.COM (James Carlson) writes: |> |> >That doesn't quite do it, either. It leaves the xhost stuff |> >misconfigured so that the terminal is useless once the lock is removed. |> >I have to power-cycle (!) my NCD tube if I use "xlock -remote" from our |> >SunOS 4.1.3 system. And the documentation is a little vague about how |> >to fix this (+allowaccess doesn't seem to fix the problem). |> |> >If someone does find a way to use this, I'd like to know! |> |> Run your xterminal with magic cookie authorization, not with |> xhost authentication. That way xlock can't screw up the auth info. Ah, that must be the problem. NCD17c version 2.2.0 doesn't seem to support MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE authentication. Sigh ... -- James Carlson Tel: +1 617 272 8140 Annex Software Support / Xylogics, Inc. +1 800 225 3317 53 Third Avenue / Burlington MA 01803-4491 Fax: +1 617 272 2618 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Article 109105 of comp.os.vms: Path: cs.utk.edu!gatech!howland.reston.ans.net!agate!overload.lbl.gov!lll-winken.llnl.gov!enews.sgi.com!decwrl!pa.dec.com!jac.zko.dec.com!quark.enet.dec.com!lionel From: lionel@quark.enet.dec.com (Steve Lionel) Newsgroups: comp.os.vms Subject: Re: Upgrade to 6.1 from 5.5-2? Date: 9 Mar 1995 14:55:38 GMT Organization: Digital Equipment Corporation, Nashua NH Lines: 24 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3jn4ta$bo6@jac.zko.dec.com> References: Reply-To: lionel@quark.enet.dec.com (Steve Lionel) NNTP-Posting-Host: quark.zko.dec.com X-Newsreader: mxrn 6.18-32 In article , jxphil@email.teaser.com (j. philippe lavergne) writes: |>I think it is not possible : 6.1 can be upgraded from 6.0 only. Watch out for |>MOTIF license problems when doing this : MOTIF is included in VMS 5.4, in |>VMS 6.x, YOU HAVE TO BUY IT (6000 FF). Sorry, but neither statement is true. Upgrading from 5.5-2 to 6.1 is supported and works. Motif has never been included in VMS. What was included was DECwindows (based on XUI, not Motif). If you wanted Motif, you had to get it separately. As of V6.0, the old DECwindows is no longer available and you must use DECwindows Motif. -- Steve Lionel Mail: lionel@quark.enet.dec.com DEC Fortran Development WWW: http://www.digital.com/info/slionel.html Digital Equipment Corporation CompuServe: 75263,3001 110 Spit Brook Road, ZKO2-3/N30 Nashua, NH 03062-2698 "Free advice is worth every cent" For a summary of Digital's Internet services, send mail to info@digital.com ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Article 113627 of comp.os.vms: Path: cs.utk.edu!nntp.memphis.edu!nntp.msstate.edu!gatech!howland.reston.ans.net!agate!library.ucla.edu!info.ucla.edu!csulb.edu!nic-nac.CSU.net!charnel.ecst.csuchico.edu!waldorf.csc.calpoly.edu!galaxy.csc.calpoly.edu!not-for-mail Newsgroups: comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.tools,comp.os.os2.programmer.tools,comp.os.vms,comp.sys.mac.programmer.tools,comp.unix.programmer,comp.windows.m Subject: Re: Help: Recommendation for GUI builder wanted Message-ID: <3oddga$8b6@galaxy.csc.calpoly.edu> From: acannon@galaxy.csc.calpoly.edu (Andrew Peter Cannon) Date: 5 May 1995 07:42:18 -0700 References: <5kXdvMfkoEB@sushi.tng.oche.de> <3o3r2c$bpe@godzilla.zeta.org.au> <3obp0r$6cj@ionews.io.org> Organization: Cal Poly, State University NNTP-Posting-Host: galaxy.csc.calpoly.edu NNTP-Posting-User: acannon Lines: 26 Xref: cs.utk.edu comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.tools:21315 comp.os.os2.programmer.tools:4348 comp.os.vms:113627 comp.sys.mac.programmer.tools:3100 comp.unix.programmer:30644 In article <3obp0r$6cj@ionews.io.org>, Denny Law wrote: >> >>If you want more info on Zinc 4.0, please mail me with your address details >>and we can send you a demo. >> >>Regards, >>Ross McKay >>Greymatter Computing Systems. > >Zinc 4.0 R2 is okay on Windows, but there are many problems on X/Motif >platform. We stopped using Zinc, because it doesn't allow you to take control of the X event loop, which is really important if you are building applications that require the integration of several expert systems, and are distributed processes. There were also a lot of problems with positioning text in dialog boxes, ie if you resized the dialog the text would position itself in weird places. -- +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ Andy Cannon | e-mail: acannon@galaxy.csc.calpoly.edu | URL: http://phoenix.csc.calpoly.edu/~acannon +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Article 113648 of comp.os.vms: Path: cs.utk.edu!gatech!howland.reston.ans.net!newsjunkie.ans.net!fonorola!centaur.achilles.net!dragon!ditto From: ditto@dragon.achilles.net (David Cattarin) Newsgroups: comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.tools,comp.os.os2.programmer.tools,comp.os.vms,comp.sys.mac.programmer.tools,comp.unix.programmer,comp.windows.misc,comp.windows.x.motif Subject: Re: Help: Recommendation for GUI builder wanted Followup-To: comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.tools,comp.os.os2.programmer.tools,comp.os.vms,comp.sys.mac.programmer.tools,comp.unix.programmer,comp.windows.misc,comp.windows.x.motif Date: 6 May 1995 00:50:32 GMT Organization: Achilles Internet Limited, Nepean, ON Lines: 36 Distribution: inet Message-ID: <3oeh4o$21n@centaur.achilles.net> References: <5kXdvMfkoEB@sushi.tng.oche.de> NNTP-Posting-Host: dragon.achilles.net X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Xref: cs.utk.edu comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.tools:21332 comp.os.os2.programmer.tools:4357 comp.os.vms:113648 comp.sys.mac.programmer.tools:3115 comp.unix.programmer:30655 comp.windows.misc:8249 comp.windows.x.motif:39948 Stephan Petersen (S.PETERSEN@sushi.tng.oche.de) wrote: : Hi all, [stuff deleted] : It is not easy to choose one of the various packages available on the : market, so we be would interested in getting some feedback from people : who are working with such an interface builder. Possible choices appear : to include: : - XVT by PVI Precision Software : - Open Interface by Neuron Data/Nexus : - OpenUI by Open Software Association : - StarView by Star Division : - Zinc Application by Zinc/Kessler Software : Can anyone recommend any one of these packages and/or report some : experiences with it? In the Jan 1995 issue of the SIGCHI bulletin, there is a review of about 2 dozen Platform-Independent GUI (PIGUI) packages. It is very comprehensive in its comparisons. If you can't get this article, then checkout the FAQ (by same author) at rtfm.mit.edu in /pub/usenet/comp.windows.misc. -- Ditto ------------------------------------------------------------------- David Cattarin | Yes indoody, Lord and master! email: ditto@achilles.net | Metal moron, And disaster! Home: (613) 567-4689 | Beep again, I'll work faster! Work: (613) 567-4740 | -- Sha'ot Startide Rising ------------------------------------------------------------------- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Newsgroups: comp.terminals NNTP-Posting-Host: os.uar.net NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 09:21:44 +0000 (UTC) Message-ID: Organization: Ukranian Academic Research Network Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 12:21:44 +0300 From: Pavlo Pelekh Subject: X terminal. Has anybody documantation haw to set up x-terminal on my Fedora Core 3, so I can connect to it from my windows desktop. Want client is should I use. Thanks! Pavlo. .............................................................................. Newsgroups: comp.terminals References: Message-ID: <3b1fb4F6g4fjmU1@individual.net> Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 00:13:43 -0500 From: Hugo Villeneuve Subject: Re: X terminal. Pavlo Pelekh wrote: > > Has anybody documantation haw to set up x-terminal on my Fedora Core 3, Google it. Your system must use either xdm or kdm as a X login manager. Both have functionality that enable X terminals to login remotely. Check their man pages. for xdm, changes in: /etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config (check if DisplayManager.requestPort is not set to 0 to disable listening for XDMCP) are usually needed to support XDMCP. I beleive kdm use the same files but they might be elsewhere. (or they might be directly linked to the xdm ones.) > so I can connect to it from my windows desktop. Want client is should I use. I believe, nowadays, people use the X kit made by Cygwin on Windows: http://x.cygwin.com/ Not that I ever used it. I only use Windows when I have no other choices and try to keep it to minimal usage. Also: Running an X session remotly is very demanding on the network. It's only recommanded over a local network. Usually, you can get by with just running the X application you need (with an appropriate DISPLAY variable). (lbxproxy can make X applications fast enought to be usable over an internet connection too) > Thanks! > > Pavlo. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////