Changes from print edition
This online edition of the Terminals & Printers Handbook 1983‒84 (here called TP83) contains changes
and corrections from the printed handbook.
Changes that apply across the entire book:
- Diagrams in TP83, and other handbooks published by DEC, generally omit drawing numbers from
the diagrams as published in other manuals. This is because of the smaller page size, which would
render them unreadable. Where the original diagram has been identified and redrawn for this edition,
the drawing number has been included.
Chapter 13
- Figure 13-5: LA12 keyboard.
- The original diagram shows some of the setup key legends as ‘Top/Left,’ ‘Bottom/Right,’
and ‘Store/Recall.’ Photographs of the keyboard show that all of these should be reversed.
- The original diagram shows a the backslash/vertical stroke key to the left and right
of Return. The key to the left should be the single quote/double quote key.